PRAISE THE LORD!!!! my darling's FINALLY off the sling and is able to play the guitar and the keyboard, and can do everything! except to regain the power on his right arm to do things such as pushing/pulling glass doors, to carry heavy-weight stuff etc. anyway, i really thank God that there were no complications or whatsoever. Thank you all for praying once again. :)
That said, now, or prob not so soon, dearie and i can start gg cycling, go ard shooting with his cam.. *BIG SMILE* and so forth. :) hmm.. what else happened during this period of time? hmm.. oh ya! a few days ago, dar and i met up with one of his best friend, Joy, to do some catching up. She left for HK to do her exchange prog at NTU a couple of months ago. and now she's back. according to her, shopping's not bad, she bought quite a lot of stuff? and she went ard window shopping for camera stuff. she and darling have a lot in common. i told darling tt both of them are very compatible lor.. =P but of cuz, i will not, and will never allow anyone to take my darling away from me, except if it's God's will. anyway, she's also into cameras, and! she's a HUGE FAN of Mac. =) so, we were playing with dar's MacBook Pro, 17-inch. =) thou there were alot of things which they were talking about that i dun really understand? but, oh well.. nvm.. it's their common topic anyway.. well at least after tt, Joy and i were sharing our own experiences we had with our sch kids? haha.. btw, Joy's mummy's a pre-sch teacher too! =)
But i must say tt i like Joy very much! She's a very nice and sincere girl. love e way she shakes herself when in frustration? (ok. i better stop writing abt her like tt, else it's gonna sound so wrong. LOL. i am toally straight--this i must say. hahaha) oh! oh! and she's funny too! she talks to her keyboard (she plays e keyboard too =) ) and her macbook! LOL.. funny girl.. =P
Today's the first time i kinda oversee and run the children's church's sunday prog alone, tog with a team of fellow ministry workers without Mr Chow. Not bad. not bad. thou i screwed up a little in the front part? but it's alright. everyone learn from their mistakes isn't it? =) but i must really thank the Lord for giving me the wisdom to teach the children about today's lesson in my own class. i didnt really teach during the coperate or sub coperate time cuz i was not rostered to do any coperate teaching up front. but i must thank the team for such great team work and most importantly, i thank the Lord for such a great team! Thank You Jesus! =)
After church, geraldine, simin, chuisan, Jin Ming and myself attended the annual Global Day Of Prayer (GDOP) held by Faith Community Batist Church (FCBC) @ the Singapore Expo's Max pavilion @ 3pm. This yr, there was a Youth segment @ 3pm. so we decided to go after church. couldn't attend the 7.14pm session cuz sis and i gotta go home for dinner. =) I had a great time praising and worshipping the Lord and praying for the nation(s), families, youths from our generation, the government; s'pore and worldwide. it ended at abt 5pm? i think. didnt really take note of the time. reached home at abt 6 plus? coming 7pm. =)
Gotta meet up with darling and Joy again this Thurs. Since i'll be mtg them this thurs, will take e opportunity to finish up my assignments -- both Science and Tech module's 2nd assignment (almost finishing, thou dateline's on June 15th) and start on my play curriculum's assignment, study for my play curriculum's exam; which is on the 4th July, and do up the Children's church's annual retreat's booklet, and RUN! havent been running for quite some time. I MUST RUN. getting rounder day by day. Bah! =p anyway, it's getting late. gotta go do QT then go to slp. gdnite pple (whoever's reading this) :) take care and have a Blessed week ahead! May the love of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be with u today and forevermore, Amen. =)