Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I rejected the job interview

as u all know, i went for a job interview yesterday @ NTUC's My First Skool @ Hougang Ave 4. However, yesterday morning, we too had our company's Vision Day whereby all the various departments of the company will come together to celebrate the successes by which the company had earned for the first quarter of the year.

We really do not know how God works until you experience it for yourself. Initially, i kind of set my mind in wanting to leave JG for another centre (As of the previous post entry), however, after listening to Julia gabriel, Fiona Walker and both the prog sales and marketing dept heads, i suddenly realised just how good God has ALWAYS been to me and all these while and i only realised it now!shame on me.. =(

However, there was one part when Julia came up to speak after our 20-min break, she got everybody to think abt what's happiness and what's pleasure. To me, the only person, ONE AND ONLY PERSON who can FILL the EMPTY SPACE in my HEART and give me TRUE HAPPINESS is NONE OTHER THAN MY HEAVELY FATHER, CHRIST JESUS. I believe that it is ONLY through the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ that we may enter into His ETERNAL KINGDOM and have ETERNAL LIFE. For it is written (In the bible): 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God -- Matthew 4:1.

So, when Julia got everybody to close their eyes to meditate, i was praying VERY HARD and was literally crying out to God to get me out of the situation. The reason why Christians CANNOT and are advised strongly against Meditation is because, when a person meditates, he or she will try to block out everything from his or her mind and leave it blank. When we leave our minds blank, we are actually allowing the Satan to intrude into our spiritual realm and soul. When tt happens, we will sin. as it is, we are all sinners. we do not need satan to tempt us to sin against God. But at this point, take comfort that the Lord will not tempt us beyond what you can bear, for it is written (in the bible): "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." taken from 1 Corinthians 10:13. But! this is definitely NOT a reason for us to sin. Because, it is also written in the bible: "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." taken from Matthew 26:41. also, be mindful, for in Matthew 4:7, Jesus said to satan "Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test."

ok ok.. i think i got alittle carried away.. in any case, after Julia's short sharing, i was urgent. so i had to go answer nature's call. when i was in the cubicle, i took e opportunity to msg Doreen (my mentor) to keep me in prayer with regards to tt situation and after tt, i also wanted to take the opportunity to pray. however, just as i started to pray, i heard someone from the next cubicle calling me. "Chui Ting?" said Su. r..i..ght.. cant pray now. nvm. shall pray later. Cuz Su was asking me about smth tt's work related. So since then, we started talking and talking till the end of the whole event! we stayed outside the auditorium and skipped the entire last part of the event whereby Julia invited the speaker, (apparently, she's the AWARE's president.. thou i forgot her name) to talk to us abt "Happiness". well, obviously, i'm not very interested. neither were my colleague, Jovanna and direct superior, Su. so we had a really good chat the entire time! :) and this is a huge breakthrough for me. because, right from the beginning, ever since i joined the company, Su intimidates me. dun ask me why? she just intimidates me. But! God is good! tt was the PERFECT opportunity for us to "break" the ice and we that was FIRST time ever tt i can talk and chat so happily and comfortably with Su.

after tt, we all head back to East Coast to clean up all the mess in my class's storeroom. i really appreciates ALL my colleagues. we all worked hard as a team, and could get EVERYTHING done by 5pm. thereafter, i made my way down to Hougang Ave 4, blk 667 for the interview. however, this time, i was praying very hard to ask God to give me the wisdom as i go through the interview. Also, i aldy have in mind tt i am going to stay in JGC and i will look up my HOD, Raihan and ask her if i could be under training again and eventually, lead a class of my own.

So yup! i rejected the principal and looked for Raihan this afternoon to talk about my promotion. after hearing what i had to say to her, we discussed about what type of prog is suitable for me to do. so, hopefully next yr on, i can be under training again. :)

on the side note.. i miss my darling, wenyao... :X

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